Detailed Profiles for 39,000+ Health Clinics

Get reliable data for over 2,100 retail clinics, 10,600 urgent care clinics, 14,100 FQHCs, 4,700 rural health clinics, and 7,600 renal dialysis facilities. Start a free trial of Definitive Healthcare's Health Clinics database.

Trusted by more than 2,000 of the biggest names in healthcare:

Start your Free Trial!

Build a flexible growth strategy in the complex clinics arena


Measure patient care access

Map the volume of clinicians and allied health professionals that are on staff at clinics across the U.S. by identifying the number of care providers at a given clinic or in a network.

Customize your search by targeting registered nurses, primary care physicians, OB-GYNs, and additional specialists.

Segment the clinics market

Target clinics by type, region, accreditation, physician volume, population demographics, and other key metrics.

Improve your odds of success by creating custom campaigns and distinct messaging for each facility based on its individual needs.


Analyze clinic populations

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique needs of the patient populations served by each clinic.

Gather details such as number of Medicare beneficiaries, median income level, education, percentage of patients in a single-parent household, and other insights.

2 million+

profiles on hospitals, physicians, health systems, long-term care facilities, and other providers.

23 billion+

medical and Rx claims from Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party payors.

Daily updates

on executive moves, mergers and acquisitions, requests for proposals, and certificates of need.